
Braungart, Michael, and William McDonough. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. Vintage, 2019.

Cradle to Cradle is one of the grounding ideas of the circular economy. William McDonough introduces the reader to the idea of rethinking the way we design things. These should be thought in a way that can be reused or remanufactured in a way that no resources are lost in the process. This was the book that not only pushed me to rethink the way I think about products but also the way I look at manufacturing and ideation. Thanks to this book, I started thinking critically about how my belongings are made and what would be the different ways the manufacture could be changed in order for the resources to be reused (almost) infinitely. After reading this book, I am constantly in search of a better solution for our future industries. It is a lot of fun as well as some food for thought wherever I go. 


“Circular Economy – UK, USA, Europe, Asia & South America – The Ellen MacArthur Foundation.” Ellen MacArthur Foundation,

The Ellen McArthur Foundation is one of the beginning organizations to start the Circular Economy. They are behind some of the masterminds in innovative economic models and have several educational platforms. I took a course in introductory circular economy with them, which gave me knowledge and skills in my further studies and work. I am also subscribed to their email list and keep myself updated with news and everything that happens around the world in the circular economic matters.


Greenhow, Christine, et al. Education and Social Media: toward a Digital Future. The MIT Press, 2016.

This book examines topics such as the growth of social media, the role of students and teachers in the digital world, and the growth of learning communities. The book gave me insights into the intricacies of copyright, ethics, and education models when in contact with social media. It gave me a good approach to my role as an educator on social media as well as the critical eye on my own education and practices. I used it as a base to my personal ethics in researching and writing, especially when it comes to posts and video creations. 


Leonard, Annie. The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health-and a Vision for Change. Free Press, 2011.

This book did not only change my personal life. It inspired me to do more for others and find ways to inspire them to think about the stuff we own. The Story of Stuff is the book everyone needs to read in order to evaluate what they own and how that affects the planet and others. It inspired my first YouTube video topic and some of my writing. Additionally, it made me think more about fair-trade and workers’ rights, which is something I tend to focus on currently when buying new things. 


Mangas, Ana. “Youth in Ukraine: The Motor of Change?” Eurozine, 29 Sept. 2016,

This article explains the role of youth in Ukraine in the political sphere. Growing up in an unstable political and economic realm, Ukrainian youth is divided among the indifferent and the active. After the Euromaidan, young people realized that it is on them to change the country for the better. Some decide to go abroad to gain better skills and some stay in order to start from the bottom. Others try to find a better future for themselves and their families. The article helped me in seeing the perspective that is often omitted from those who care and want to be better in a better country. It motivated me, even more, to give back to the community and those who may not have enough resources.


“Marina Mogilko: Official Home Page.” Marina Mogilko: Official Home Page, 2020,

This 14-day challenge is a crash course in YouTube creation. During the challenge, I learned how to plan my channel, content, and videos. I learned more about the YouTube algorithm as well as about its monetization. The deadlines and homework helped me with the action and the creation of the channel. The great perk about this course is the possibility to keep it forever. I can always go back to the videos and homework and brush off my skills. 


Miller, Donald. Building a Storybrand: Clarify Your Message so Customers Will Listen. HarperCollins Leadership, an Imprint of HarperCollins, 2017.

Donald Miller explains in very easy words how-to, and especially how not to, build a brand. Although this book is focused on the brand creation of a business, it helped me understand the basic notion of communicating best with the audience. Taking ideas and steps as an experiment, I was able to see it happen in practice at my internship. Additionally, it gave me another perspective in order to work with my blog as a business creation. 


Mitroshina, Alexandra. Private Instagram Blogs Promotion: Step-by-Step Manual. ACT Moscow, 2016.

This book can be regarded as a crash course in Instagram growth and development. The author lays down the ground of blog-creation for beginners. From picture taking to the topic of choice, Mitroshina explains all easily and in pictures, on her examples. This book was one of the first and main learning resources, especially for the technical part of the brand development. While moving forward with my project, I was able to come back to the book and check my success with it. 


“Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5C.” Global Warming of 1.5 ºC,

The IPCC report on Global Change was one of the documents that urged me to act in some way in order for others to know about the realities of the present and future of our climate. It was also the grounding reference for my major proposal and the major itself. Whenever I write something or make an argument, I try to make sure that I am backed up with real facts and science. The IPCC Panel is full of many brilliant scientists and I hope that more people believed them and took their predictions seriously in the work towards our future. 


Stuart, Tristram. Waste Uncovering the Global Food Scandal. Penguin, 2009.

This book did not only change my perspective on food production and waste. It made me aware of the flaws in policy and the hypocrisy in the every-day life of each of us. Tristam’s writing humbled me in the realization of my privilege and made me aware of the important role that I have after reading his book. Since this read, I remember the figures for waste when purchasing, eating, and wasting food. Besides the personal challenge, I make sure to bring it up in conversations and in my blog.


“Sustainable Development.” IISD, 20 June 2019,

The International Institute for Sustainable Development is a website I take for reference very often both for my academic writings and for personal development. It touches on topics of social and environmental justice as well as talks about economics and the work on resilience in sustainability. I used this website in many instances and will keep on using it for personal purposes, as well as in the search for opportunities and ideas. 



This report analyses the Ukrainian Youth demographic group. The report is separated into several parts, from values to emigration and basic demographic information. This report was important for me to learn about the presence of Ukrainian youth in Ukraine as well as how they are perceived by Ukrainian and international organizations. By knowing my audience I was able to better understand their values and needs. 



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