Senior Project: Generational Differences in Leadership

For my senior project, I researched and interviewed six high professional business men and women that are in leadership roles. These interviews were not just over the phone, they were in person with two cameras filming at all times. These interviewee’s were in very different industries across the board with varying ages. The goal of this senior project was to better understand successful leadership in the business world today. I looked at what successful leadership was like 30 years ago, where it is today, and what direction successful leadership is headed. Along with a detailed powerpoint presentation, I created a website where I displayed all my findings. The amount of time researching each generation to find trends and values to interviewing each individual to see where they fit into each generation was tough. By understanding each individual, their leadership techniques and qualities, it allowed me to better understand the characteristic of successful leadership and where it is heading in the future. 

Here is the link to the website, enjoy!