Annotated Bibliography

1. Zigarmi, Drea. “The Evolution of Leadership Skills: Don’t Become Extinct.” Chief Learning Officer – CLO Media, 14 Aug. 2018, This source was a great place to look at evolving leadership. Understand how leadership skills are evolving in the workplace, and how they are changing from past methods. This source looked at these skills and helped break down why they’re important in the evolving world today.

2. Chavez, A. (2018). Generational leadership: An examination of styles and preferences among the millennial generation (Order No. 10827740). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2074650021). Retrieved from This source focused on leadership qualities from just the millennial generation. Each generation has very different trends and values, by understanding those trends and values, you’re able to better understand the generation as a whole.

3. Generational Leadership, This source was a great opportunity to look at some data in the workplace today. There was a survey done that looked at leadership in the workplace and the key qualities involved. This was a great source to get some broad information on leadership today and the key qualities our society values today.

4. This source focused on communication styles and the importance of effective communication. One of the key qualities to leadership is effective communication and this source was able to break down the key qualities.

5. Chavez, A. (2018). Generational leadership: An examination of styles and preferences among the millennial generation (Order No. 10827740). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2074650021). Retrieved from This source by the same author as my other millennial source looked at millennial leadership by comparing it to other generations. Being able to understand each generation is a big part of the project, and by comparing them helped breakdown the differences.

6. “Coaching Compared to Leadership in Business & Military.” Ohio University, 14 Nov. 2019, Part of my presentation was looking at sports and leadership and how they have some direct correlation. This source brought up great points and even compared some coaching correlation. By understanding the main points to each aspect, I was able to break down the main characteristics from this source.

7. Sinek, Simon. “Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe.” TED, This famous TedTalk by Simon Sinek was a great source to look at leadership in an ethical way and why leadership can be and is so important to everyones life. Whether you’re the leader or someone is leading you, leadership can change someones life. Simon does a great job giving a broad talk on why these qualities are so important.

8. Torres, Roselinde. “What It Takes to Be a Great Leader.” TED, Another great TedTalk on being a great leader. These talks helped me create diverse questions for my interviews. Leadership has changed and evolved so much over the last 20 to 30 years. By having quality question for my interviewees, it allowed me to get much better responses that I could learn from.

9. Dudley, Drew. “Everyday Leadership.” TED, Another great source on leadership everyday. Part of my research was spent on specific leadership and some on leadership qualities at home or in your community. This helped me understand the qualities it takes in different situations where different qualities are needed. Leadership is so diverse, and this was a great broad overview.