Cross-Cultural Wellness Studies
My proposed major draws on holistic approaches to well-being, cultural practices such as dance, and anthropological and ethnographic research methods as a way to discover how different cultures embody ideas of wellness. Throughout this major I will focus on dance in African communities and cultures to investigate the embodiment of physical, spiritual, emotional and social wellness.
To learn more about me, click on the “About” Page

Philosophizing Wellness:
(Courses in this section are meant to illuminate what comprises wellness as well as better my understanding of all components)
– Philosophy 119: Moral Psychology
-Philosophy 239: Philosophy of Mind
-Interdisciplinary 241: Health Challenges
-Philosophy 396: Philosophical Perspective on Social Issues
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-Psychology 398: Psychological Perspectives on the Human Person
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-Dance 290: Dance Forms of Africa (theory based course)
-Independent Study/ Senior Capstone 392: Principles of Dance Ecology
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PHIL 396: Bodily Knowing
PSYCH 398: Relationality in Constructing the Self
Embodied Wellness:
(Courses in this section provide a space to explore how embodied wellness functions in different cultures and how they conceive of wellness)
–Dance 141: Intermediate West African Dance
-Dance 141: Dance Lab: Groove
Study Methods:
(Courses in this section provide
foundational frameworks and methods of analyses for the
remaining sections)
-Race 121: Introduction to Race and Ethnic Studies
-Race 252: Race, Gender and Indigenous Studies
– Sociology/Anthropology 128: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
-Sociology/Anthropology 373: Ethnographic Research Methods
-Religion 285: What is Religion?
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-Religion 236: How to Make a Life
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REL 236: Ethical Will
Experiential Learning:
(These experiences took my learning outside of the classroom and embedded my major into my life.
– Spending four months in an intentional living community in Oregon
Journaling Below
-Working at St. Olaf’s cafeteria
Paper Below

Guiding Questions:

Central Questions:

How do different cultures define wellness?

Cross-culturally, how are the mind, body and soul situated when discussing wellness?

Specific Questions:

How is wellness economicaly, morally and medically informed?

How do different cultures determine what areas of wellness are important for well-being?

How do physical, spiritual, social and emotional wellness interact within cultural communities?

Annotated Bibliography
My Inspirations: Annotated Bibliography