Principles of Dance Ecology
My Senior Project!
This project explores my idea of wellness…a holistic lifestyle…finding practices that embody spiritual, social, physical and emotional wellness. Specifically I investigated how movement is a form of communication that builds self and community. I explored this through dance!
Click Below for My Proposal: Senior Project Plan


My reflections upon my learning from this project:

How does this relate to my major?
It is exploring how different cultures of this world…CULTURES INCLUDING NON-HUMANS…live a well life through ~movement~

What did I learn?
I learned that there is no one definition of wellness! Wellness is culturally, socially and physically constructed

What did I learn?
Community is essential for well-being, thus community was essential for me in completing this project.

What practicing Principles of Dance Ecology Taught Me:
Dancing togehter builds vulnerability, love and joy: community

Journaling Below: