Principles of Dance Ecology

~Course Structure~

**six classes

**the classes are guided by learning objectives

**each learning objectives comprises a few exercises

**these exercises consist of choreographing dance with others, improving together in a circle, locating movement in isolated body parts and lots of discussing in a circle

-classes are a  mix of talking, moving and journaling with students also doing journaling and moving outside of class 


The Class Lesson Plans

“Find Yourself in Your Body”

Click Here:PDE

“Share Yourself”

Click Here: PDE

“Create Community”

Click Here: PDE

*Intro and conclusion class not included

Why these classes?

Click here: appendix

Above is a picture of trial class I ran with fellow classmates and staff at my college in April 2024…to see how it went click to the right.

Click Here: Class Reflection

~~After a month long of classes, students will learn to see their body as a source of knowledge and thus self in relationship with their mind. Students will learn how moving together with other beings creates a relationship in which there is a common experience of the world and this creates intimacy. Students will learn how this connection built through moving with others is our role as humans to make the world a home. 

I woke up from a dream a few weeks ago and said to myself “Principles of Dance Ecology.” That is the name of my class. I want to teach people about ecology. A way of life that reminds humans how to be human, via dance. I want to show others how dancing with other beings in the world reawakens our inherent ability to be human: to be alive, to be a self, to be in connection with others, and to create community.


 After all, how can you not care about some-body/somebody/some-being if you know they are shaping you? That is why we must move with other beings. It creates a rhythm of  bodily-becoming. We become aware of our own being and how that being is formed via the process of shaping and being shaped by beings that we are moving with.


We need to dance. It helps us understand our jobs as humans, to ourselves and the wider world.  But to do this, you must make dance a lifestyle. Go dance with the world…dance naked if you want, I do! ~~