Which courses were included as a part of my individual major?
What can be found on this page?
This page includes a full list of all the courses I took during my time at St. Olaf that I selected to inform my study of applied linguistics. For each course, you will find a separate page with a description of the course, why I selected it, some of the assignments from the course, and my takeaways.
The selected courses included: Principles of Computer Science (CSCI 121), Second Language Acquisition (EDUC 250), Roles of Language in Equity and Diversity (LNGST 245), English Language and Linguistics (LNGST 250), Germanic Multiethnolects (LNGST 301), The Sámi: Traditions in Transition (NORW 244), Introduction to Germanic Linguistics (NORW 260), Directed Undergraduate Research: The Norwegian Multiethnolect (NORW 396), Psychology of Hearing (PSYCH 222), Cognitive Psychology (PSYCH 237), Developmental Psychology (PSYCH 241), Spanish as a First and Second Language (SPAN 276), and additional materials from courses that were not a part of my individual major plan, but that included coursework relevant to applied linguistics.
Changes from Original Proposal
A few courses included in the original proposal were replaced with other courses instead.
In my original proposal, I identified 14 courses that could count towards my applied linguistics major, with the understanding that 12 of these 14 courses could be used. This allowed for some flexibility based on when courses were offered. For the original list of 14 courses from my proposal, see the document linked below. I did not end up taking Language in Society (SPAN 311), as it was replaced by a new course that did not exist at the time my proposal was written. This replacement course was Germanic Multiethnolects (LNGST 301), which fit well with the projects I had already completed on multiethnolects (see NORW 396 and the final projects for NORW 260 and LNGST 245). Additionally, I did not go on the Oslo Internship Seminar trip (NORW 296) as it was canceled due to the pandemic travel restrictions. Instead, I made Principles of Computer Science (CSCI 121), which I had already taken, officially count towards my major instead.