Selected publications: 

Peer-reviewed book:

Religious Rhetoric and American Politics: The Endurance of Civil Religion in Electoral Campaigns. 2012. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.


Journal articles:

Moral Power: How Public Opinion on Culture War Issues Shapes Partisan Predispositions and Religious Orientations,” with Paul Goren. American Political Science Review. 

Religious Rhetoric Meets the Target Audience: Narrowcasting Faith in Presidential Elections,” with Kevin Coe. 2016. Communication Monographs.

Language for Winning Hearts and Minds: Verb Aspect in U.S. Presidential Campaign Speeches Engages Emotion,” with David A. Havas. 2016. Frontiers in Psychology.

Improving Tobacco-Free Advocacy on College Campuses: A Novel Strategy to Aid in the Understanding of Student Perceptions About Policy Proposals,” with Brandi S. Niemeier and Whitney Henley. 2014. Journal of American College Health. 


Book chapters:

“Partisan Extremity in the 2014 Midterm Elections: How Primaries and Incumbency Influence Polarized Position-Taking on Campaign Websites,” with Kevin Parsneau. Political Communication & Strategy: Consequences of the 2014 Midterm Electionseds. Tauna S. Sisco, Jennifer C. Lucas, Christopher J. Galdieri. 2017. University of Akron Press.

“Economic Appeals in Unequal Communities: Stump Speeches in the 2012 Presidential Election,” in The American Election 2012: Contexts and Consequences, eds. Ward Holder and Peter Josephson. New York: Palgrave.

“The Political Psychology of Cooperation: Synthesis and Prospects,” with Sullivan, Brandon A., Mark Snyder, John L. Sullivan. 2007. In Cooperation: The Political Psychology of Effective Human Interaction, eds. Brandon A. Sullivan, Mark Snyder, and John L. Sullivan. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.