Mathematics and Art

  1. Al-Daffa, The Muslim Contributions to Mathematics
  2. Baker, Lillian & Schattschneider, Doris, The Perceptive Eye: Art and Mathematics NK1505.B34.
  3. Campbell & Higgins, ed, Mathematics: People, Problems, Results, Vol III
  4. Baker, Lillian, Schattschneider, Doris, The Perceptive Eye: Art and Mathematics NK1505.B34 (in Science Library).
  5. Cole, Perspective for Artists (J.N.C.)
  6. Edgerton, Samuel, The Renaissance Rediscovery of Linear Perspective, NC748.E33
  7. Ghyka, The Geometry of Art and Life
  8. Henderson, The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art
  9. Hoffer, A Magic Ratio Recurs Throughout Art and Nature, Smithsonian, Dec `75
  10. Holt, Michael, Math in Art
  11. Huntley, The Divine Proportion (J.N.C.)
  12. Ivens, Art and Geometry (J.N.C.)
  13. Kulland, Geometry in Egyptian Art N5350.K5
  14. Millman, Richard, S, Speranza, Ramona, “The Artist’s View of Points and Lines” in The Mathematics Teacher Feb. 1991, 133-138
  15. Niman & Norman, Mathematics and Islamic Art, The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol 8, June-July `78
  16. J.M. Parramon, Perspective (J.N.C.)
  17. Pedoe, Geometry and The Visual Arts (J.N.C.)
  18. Pirenne, Optics, Painting and Photography, NC750.P66
  19. Rice, Islamic Art
  20. Schaaf, Art and Mathematics: A Brief Guide to Source Materials, American Mathematical Monthly 58 `51
  21. Senechal, Patterns of Symmetry
  22. Slawsky, Norman, “The Artist as Mathematician” The Mathematics Teacher April 1977 298-308.
  23. Walton, Karen Doyle; “Albert Durer’s Renaissance Connections between Mathematics and Art,” Mathematics Teacher April 1994