Shakyamuni while in the Causal Stages (of Bodhisattvahood) Practices Filial Piety as Prince Samaka

The “Prince Samaka Scripture”, spoken by the Buddha, states:

The Buddha told Ananda, “In the past there was a bodhisattva named ‘Merciful and Gracious’, who filially cared for his parents and teacher. At that time in Kapila there was a venerable elder left without a child, his two eyes completely blind. He dreamed of going into the mountains in search of the highest wisdom. The bodhisattva remarked upon this saying, “This person (wants to) go into the mountains to study the path; if and when I die, I will become his child.” The bodhisattva’s life having ended, he thereupon took birth and was reared at the blind father and mother’s home. He was called Samaka. When Samaka was ten years old, he followed his parents into the mountains to gather fruit and draw water. At this time, there was a king who went out to hunt and his arrow mistakenly hit Samaka in the chest, poisoning him. The king’s heart was full of horror and dread as he called upon the parents at home and informed them of the incident.

The father and mother in their anxiety ordered the king to take the two of them to where their son was. Laying on their hands to feel for Samaka’s arrow, (they) turned their faces toward heaven and cried out saying, “Samaka was extremely filial; both heaven and earth knew this. This arrow deserves to be removed.” Their utterances moved Indra, who cured Samaka and returned him to life. When the father and mother heard this, their sight was restored to them and the king was extremely happy. Samaka said to the king, “One who desires blessings comforts his people. You should lead them to achieve perfection.” The Buddha told Ananda, “That person Samaka was my body as well.”

释迦因地为睒子行孝 大藏佛说《睒子经》云:佛告阿难,昔有菩萨,名曰慈惠,孝养父母师长。时迦夷国中,有一长者,孤无儿子,两目皆盲,心愿入山,求无上慧。菩萨念言:此人入山学道,若我寿终,当为作子。菩萨命终,即便往生育盲父母家,字曰睒子。睒子十岁,随父母入山采果汲水。时国王出猎,箭误中睒子胸,被毒命终。王心怖惧,诣子父母所,具言上事。父母令王牵我二人至于子所,扪摸睒箭,仰天呼言:睒子至孝,天地所知,箭当拔出。作是言已,感帝释□药更生故。父母闻已,两目皆开。王大欢喜,睒语王曰:欲具福者,安慰人民,当令奉成。佛告阿难,彼睒子者,我身是也。