What is an Actuary?

An actuary helps organizations plan for the future and protect themselves from loss.  By understanding the very nature of risk, actuaries play a key role in the psychological, physical, and financial stability of society.  With their help, businesses can grow, retirees can invest with confidence, and people can enjoy peace of mind.  More info found on BeAnActuary.org

Why be an actuary?

The actuary career has consistently been rated as one of the top professions in the United States, with salaries doubling within the first five years.  Because actuaries deal with risk management, even during economic crises they are in high demand for employment.  Their expertise can be applied to almost every business setting, from low-level accounting to high-level management. More info found on BeAnActuary.org

How do I become an Actuary?

To become an Actuarial Associate or an Actuarial Fellow, one must pass several actuarial exams covering topics ranging from probability to insurance.  There are two tracks to becoming an Actuary, the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the Society of Actuaries (SOA).  Each track begins with the same 2 exams, then diverge in topics once you start looking at the advanced exams.  The CAS track is said to be more mathematically inclined, dealing mainly with property and casualty risk exposures.  The SOA track focuses on life and health risk management, as well as predictive business analytics and investments.  Learn more here: Wikipedia – Actuarial Credentialing