L. DeAne Lagerquist
Harold H. Ditmanson Chair in Religion

My study of the history of Christianity began at California Lutheran College (B.A.), continued at Luther Seminary (M.A.), and the University of Chicago, Divinity School (Ph.D.).  I joined the St. Olaf Religion department in 1988, after three years of teaching at Valparaiso University.  My teaching includes general education courses required of all St. Olaf students as well as more specialized topics and off-campus programs.  Students in my courses often explore interactions of religion with various aspects of culture: for example, investigating the ways artists from around the world portray biblical stories, or how Indian Christians make use of Tamil folk music, or immigrant Lutherans’ adaptation to the American context.  I was among the designers of the American Conversations program.  Three times I have been lead teacher and many times team taught single courses in the sequence.  In 2007-08 my husband and I led the St. Olaf Global Semester program.  Much of my research has considered Lutheran topics, including women’s organizations, higher education, and St. Olaf’s own Lars W. Boe.  During my recent sabbatical my research focused on Gertrude Sovik (1907-92) and developments in 20th century Christianity. I served three terms as chair of the religion department, five years as Senior Tutor of St. Olaf’s Paracollege, and directed American Conversations for four years.

Current teaching:

In 2021-22 I am teaching

  • Fall Semester: American Identities: Religion, Race, Gender, and . . . .
  • Interim: Lutheran Heritage
  • Spring: Borders and Empires (American Conversations 111 with Marc David)
    • I plan to blog as we probe these topics together.

My teaching often includes these courses.

  • American Religion
  • American Conversations.
  • The Bible in Culture and Community (a new one with emphasis on visual art)
  • Jesus on the India Road
  • Lutheran Heritage
  • Religions of India Planned for January 2021, but canceled due to Covid-19
  • Sacred Places in Greece & Turkey

Selected Publications

  • Fifty Years On: A Half-century of Ordaining Lutheran Women. (2019)
  • In American the Men Milk the Cows: Factors of Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Americanization of Norwegian American Lutheran Women, Chicago Studies in the History of American Religion (Carlson, 1991)
  • From Our Mothers’ Arms: A History of Women in American Lutheranism (Augsburg, 1987)
  • The Lutherans, Denominations in America (Praeger, 1999)
  • Locating Lutheranism: 19th Century Norwegian-American Lutherans in Minnesota (2014)
  • co-editor and contributor, Called to Serve: St. Olaf and the Vocation of a Church College (St. Olaf College, 1999)
  • co-editor and contributor, Claiming Our Callings (Oxford, 2014)
Students discussing their interpretations.

Contact Information
Office:  Old Main 230D
Office phone:     (507) 786-3175
Email: lagerqui@stolaf.edu

Office Hours
posted on my door
others by appointment or by chance